Foreign Ownership

Foreign Ownership of Indonesian Real Estate Land: It’s Purpose, Changes and Potential for Success & A Comparative Analysis

by David Hutton and Davidson Samosir is the Editor-in-Chief of Hukumonline English Newsroom, Advocate and Lecturer

Foreign Ownership of Indonesian Real Estate Land: It’s Purpose, Changes and Potential for Success & A Comparative Analysis


It is an alienable right of the People, at least those that are free and this is as old as time itself. You could even go so far as to say that it is very closely tied to all of the other freedoms that a Country’s citizens enjoy. You take their Land – You have taken a part or all of their Freedom because the two are inseparable and freedom to own land is also is aligned to other inseparable rights such as speech, religion association and the obvious others that we all know and we also know whether we are free or not.

It has been a recent and new phenomena globally that investors are looking into receiving better tax treatment by legally avoiding taxes in their native homeland through real and legitimate investments that will appreciate the overall value of their financial portfolio. With many countries “opening their Doors” to global investors, countries allow themselves become the “New Gold”, for both individual and corporate investors. Although many investors found tremendous success in their path, some “Backfired”.

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