Recent Activities

Brasilia, Brazil working on an agreement between private Brazilian and American Corporations. International Representation of a South American Government in contract negotiations for sale of materials to be used in intra-country development with the Republic of China.

JP-54, Jet Fuel, Brokerage for Airlines and refineries in the country of Russia as well as former USSR republics – Including D2 & D6 fuels

Sofia, Bulgaria finalizing a contract with a leading consulting firm for negotiation and transactional projects on their behalf with United States suppliers, manufacturers, and professional groups.

Sao Paulo, Brazil attended and participated in an International Law forum.

Istanbul, Turkey creating and finalizing the transaction for a manufacturer of Turkish rugs for wholesale to the United States.

Jakarta & Bali, Indonesia for purposes of entering into a cooperative agreement to liaison representation with an Indonesian Law firm for local clients interests in the United States.

Also Performed Work In:

Trinidad and Tobago, the West Indies Cairo, Egypt, Doha, Kingdom of Qatar, Istanbul, Turkey, Santo Domingo, and the Dominican Republic